If you have already auditioned, you do not attend again.
Scroll down for more audition dates and details.
Auditions for Kids and Adults.
Attend only one audition
Choose a time to come to Halo for your audition. Auditoin only once. Do not come to every audition.:
Please note - these are not drop in auditions. You must be on time or your audition can't be guaranteed.
Saturday, December 9, 2023
Kids 11:30 AM
Adults 11:30 AM
Saturday, December 16, 2023
Kids 11:30 AM
Adults 11:30 AM
Dress code: Dressy/casual. You will be asked to walk the runway so good shoes to walk in are important.
Location: The Halo Agency - click on Contact Us above for a map and address.
Please use the link below to RSVP for your audition: